A Vision To Restore Our Country To Constitutional Rule

         Restoration Objectives

Return to God as a Nation

Abolish The Federal Reserve

Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

Restore Our Monetary System

Enforce States Rights

Support Tenth Amendment Nullification

Term Limits for Congress


Stop Crony Capitalism

Enforce Anti-Trust Legislation

Repeal the 17th Amendment


Abolish the Exisiting
Income Tax System
Enforce the Fourth Amendment
Remove the Surveillance Grid
Defend and Honor the Constitution 
Support Oath Keepers
Preserve American Soverignty
Stop the North American Union
Stop the New World Order

 We wish to thank the PATRIOTS in our armed forces that guard our freedom...

Always Remember Your Oath to Defend our Constitution





Patriots First  *  Jacksonville, Florida

Phone 904-327-1202   *  

info@patriotsfirst.com  * www.patriotsfirst.com


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